welcome to bendel memorial secondary school

Education is the light of life.


Bendel Memorial Secondary School is a private institution, owned and managed by the Catholic Congregation of the Apostolic Life Community of Priests in the Opus Spiritus Sancti (ALCP/OSS).

It started in the year of 2005 as a co – educational Secondary school managed by Rev. Fr. Amedeus Macha (ALCP/OSS) who was acting Superior General of the congregation at the time.It then managed by Rev.Fr.Joseph Israel (ALCP/OSS). The first pioneer headmaster was Mr. Joseph A. Komu

On the basis of the nature of statutes of its establishment, the congregation decided that the Head of school should be a Priest. Rev. Fr. Revocatus Mbuya (ALCP/OSS) was appointed as the next headmaster, followed by Rev. Fr. Meles K. Mlingi (ALCP/OSS), Mr. Joachim K. Mrema, Rev. Fr. Peter Nau and Rev.Fr. Revocatus Mbuya who heads it to date.

The school started with only 97 students, boys 68 and girls 29 and only 5 teachers namely Mr. Joachim P. Kandia, Ms. Joyce Nderingo, Mr. Anthony Mrosso, Ms. Honorina Macha and Mr. Joseph Komu and 2 non – teaching members who were Beatrice D. Mboya and Elizabeth H. Macha.

Since its initial establishment, the school has achieved tremendous progress both in academic and in its infrastructure fields.
