welcome to bendel memorial secondary school

Education is the light of life.


Rev.Fr.Bernhard Bendel

"Trust the youths and they will do wonders"

Bendel Memorial Secondary School is a private institution, owned and managed by the Catholic Congregation of the Apostolic Life Community of Priests in the Opus Spiritus Sancti (ALCP/OSS).

It started in the year of 2005 as a co – educational Secondary school managed by Rev. Fr. Amedeus Macha (ALCP/OSS) who was acting Superior General of the congregation at the time.It then managed by Rev.Fr.Joseph Israel (ALCP/OSS). The first pioneer headmaster was Mr. Joseph A. Komu

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Who We are

Bendel Memorial Secondary School is one the School owned and run by the ALCP/OSS fathers in Kilimanjaro;
Others being:

◉ALCP Kilasara Secondary School (Siha)

◉Joyland Girls Secondary School (Same)

◉Moshi Airport English Medium Primary School (Moshi)

◉St.Joseph English Medium Nursery School (Moshi)

This school is located at Soweto Ward in Moshi Municipality, offering Secondary level education from form one to form six.

It was established officially in 2005 and it has been among the best schools in Tanzania focusing not only academics but also in moral and social development of the students so as they may be able to fit in the globalized society.